
"My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living." Anais Nin

Sometimes it is worth

 – I don’t think I’m going to go..

 -Two steps forward, two steps back.

 – I have a lot of work to do and I’m tired and I’m…

 – You’re afraid. Of me, of unknown, or anything else it is about.

 – You seem like a really great guy. And maybe I’m just… I had a relationship with this man about I have thought that… and I’m not over it yet. I don’t know how to judge anymore. What it’s good or bad, or if… Someone mentioned him in a telephone conversation about five minutes ago and now, I can’t stop thinking of him, I can’t get him out of my head. I think about him, I worry about him. I can’t be on a date with you. He’s in my head all the time.

 – Close your eyes.

 – What?

 – Close your eyes…

 – Why?

 – You don’t know me. I might be the worst guy in the world. Or I could be the best one. Whoever I am, I like you; I like you a lot. I like how you say “What” when you answer your phone. How you seem to wear white all the time. How wine seem to be something different for you.  I like that you know who you are. And you fix everyone around you. But you always seem sad to me.  I like you, but you seem sad.  And if you let me, maybe I could help you not be so sad, because, whatever that can happen to you… whoever happened to you, already happened. It’s done. So maybe I can help you start fresh. Maybe…  I’m your do-over. Cause you deserve a do-over.

So, close your eyes.

Close… you’re… eyes…



 – You still thinking about him?

– No..

 – Good night Lily…

 – Good night Stephen

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This entry was posted on July 22, 2014 by in Lily-Parte din intreg.